Want to Ensure Your AOM Spend is Worth the Investment? Create an Effective and Affordable Obesity Program

Given the current 42% US obesity rate and powerful results from the new anti-obesity medications (AOMs), employers and others responsible for healthcare benefits decisions are feeling pressure to add coverage for these expensive AOMs to employee health benefits plans. However, with a recent study showing 65% weight regain after patients stop taking their AOM meds, …

A better way to address Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy: Listening, engaging, and moving forward

As of mid-November 2021, the US Covid-19 death toll is about 757,000 from 47 million cases. There is broad consensus across the medical community that the most effective way for individuals to avoid the most serious consequences of Covid and for communities to stop the spread is through vaccination. With the Delta variant mostly in …

Helping Patients with Chronic Disease see the Benefits of Utilizing Emerging Healthcare Technologies

man and woman sitting on sofa while looking at a tablet computer

In the two years since COVID-19 entered the world’s consciousness, the adoption of patient-facing technologies has advanced significantly. Pandemic restrictions created the need to extend care beyond the doctors’ office and technology provided the answer. Telemedicine, patient portals, remote patient monitoring, and digital assessment became viable options for providers to continue care for patients with …

Staying Connected: Why Treating Loneliness is Essential to Improving Health

person sitting on bench under tree

Loneliness is on the rise. In a 2020 survey by Cigna, more than 60 percent of respondents reported “…feeling lonely, left out, poorly understood, and lacking companionship.” For individuals living with chronic disease, this lack of connection can impact their response to treatment and disease progression. For example, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found …

Helping Patients Get a Good Night’s Sleep

woman sleeping in bed near smartphone

Sleeping regularly and adequately is indispensable for quality of life. Getting a good night’s sleep contributes to feeling rested and refreshed, but so much more happens during sleep. Sleep rejuvenates the cardiovascular and immune systems and regulates the production of the body’s hormones such as leptin and ghrelin. These two hormones control appetite, and when …

Silver Fern Healthcare launches Behavior and Psychosocial Insights Dashboard, harnessing the power of data to enhance population health

Hartford, Conn., July 13, 2021  — Silver Fern Healthcare, a mission-driven SaaS company offering solutions backed by 30 years of evidence-based research to better control and prevent chronic disease and to improve health outcomes, announced the launch of its client-facing Behavior and Psychosocial Insights Dashboard. The Dashboard harnesses data from Silver Fern’s patient assessments to …