The Case for CGM: Where does it fit in Primary Care?

Practice Points - The Case For CGM

Treatment of diabetes is a growing concern in the United States. In addition to being a significant challenge for individual patient management, diabetes is a burden on the healthcare system’s resources, especially its primary care physicians (PCPs). Thirty-four million people have diabetes (the overwhelming majority have type 2 diabetes), and 90% of patients with diabetes …

The Case for CGM: Who Will Benefit Most from CGM Adoption?

Practice Points - The Case For CGM

Prescribing the right drug for the right patient is important for obtaining the best clinical results. The same concept is applicable to medical devices; choosing the proper device to fit the patient can make a world of difference in achieving the desired result. Theoretically, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) can be a benefit to anyone …

The Case for CGM: Who May Not Be a Good Candidate for CGM?

Practice Points - The Case For CGM

Personal continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) have been a salvation for many patients with diabetes, their caregivers, and their healthcare providers. They have introduced a world of glucose data that were previously unavailable via fingerstick monitoring and that can provide new insights. From a strictly technological standpoint, CGMs could help every person with diabetes improve their …

The Case for CGM – Why Silver Fern Healthcare added CGM to its Type 2 Diabetes Program

Practice Points - The Case For CGM

Silver Fern Healthcare recently integrated the topic of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) into its Type 2 Diabetes Program on its Behavior Diagnostic Platform. We felt it was essential that clinicians were covering the topic of CGM with their patients as the technology continues to gain acceptance and is more widely available to people with type …

Empowering families to be healthier and happier in 2021 and beyond

Our previous posts have highlighted the dramatic and recent changes in lifestyles in the US, most impactfully changes in our national diet, which have created an epidemic of obesity and chronic health conditions. This post explores the opportunity for us to have a national focus, led by emerging new healthcare innovators, on the family unit …

Silver Fern Wraps Up 2020 Adding Hypertension Program to Its Proven Platform

On December 21, 2020, Silver Fern Healthcare released Hypertension, the newest chronic disease program featured on its proven Behavior Diagnostic Platform. This Platform provides chronic care management teams with previously inaccessible insights to improve treatment plans and achieve better health outcomes for people with chronic diseases. The Hypertension Program applies Silver Fern’s evidence-based techniques for …

Dr. Welch, Silver Fern Healthcare Co-Founder and CSO, featured guest on “The Public Health Podcast”

Dr. Garry Welch, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Silver Fern Healthcare, was recently invited to speak about his expertise in chronic disease management on “The Public Health Podcast.” The podcast is produced by a team of NPR veterans and is hosted by Ryan Birchmeier and Katie Fendler, a brother-sister duo that is “bringing the public back into public …

Silver Fern Healthcare CEO, Colleen McGuire, invited to facilitate conversation on chronic disease prevention at the Harvard Business School Healthcare Alumni Association 21st Annual Conference

The Harvard Business School Healthcare Alumni Association (HBSHAA) recently held its 21st Annual Conference virtually on November 5th and 6th. Colleen McGuire, HBS alumna and Co-Founder and CEO of Silver Fern Healthcare, was invited to the event to facilitate a roundtable discussion entitled “Chronic Disease Prevention, Treatment and Management”. During the session, Colleen led a discussion about the importance of lifestyle-based strategies for treating and managing chronic diseases. She described how our current approach to treating conditions such as diabetes or hypertension primarily uses pharmaceutical and surgical interventions which fail to focus on prevention or to address the root causes of …

Version 2.1 of the Silver Fern Behavior Diagnostic Platform integrates highly anticipated Suggested Actions and features a new Healthy Lifestyle and Disease Prevention program for emerging risk pools

On November 2nd, Silver Fern released the most insightful and powerful version of its Behavior Diagnostic Platform ever. Version 2.1 of Silver Fern’s software-as-a-service product includes the highly anticipated integration of a new feature, “Suggested Actions”. Silver Fern has developed thousands of Suggested Actions that are evidence-based and have been used successfully by clinicians with …